Thursday 11 January 2018

hi  everyone ,
another day at the library,   gosh its hot outside, but think  i will stay in the cool ,but am getting hungry now ,after leaving home at 8.45 am 

i have driven 18 klms  each way today to  get a scrip for mum  which we  didn't think we needed tili  got to the chemist  and found   that he said i  needed to go to the dr, i only was there today LOL

so then came back  and  did some banking,   went to cheap shop, looking for  ribbon for a friend came out empty handed ,  never mind other cheap shops around, 

been to 2  others none  gosh whats happening ,

 now in the cool of the library, about to run  out of time so will have to be quick here, 

 this avo,  going to   playin  my room and finally,  get my room cleaned up , (  well i hope )

then can think  clearly 
 now still can not get into  my emails  on the computer here ,  umm ,ive tried every possible  password i can think of  over the last few days

 well ,got out  leave chat another day

 chat soon again,

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